Tastier and more balanced dining starts at Fresh Food Point! At home at your table!

Some of today's fresh offerings

HInd stew

N hinderagout 3070 669

Cassoulet of rabbit with prunes

N stoofpotje konijnfilet st bernardus 3073 669

Apple chutney with cranberries

N chutney van appel met veenbessen 250g 3306 1299 134912

Chicken Tikka Masala

N kip tikka masala 3247 1299 145525

Prawns in spicy Thai curry sauce

N scampi s in duivelsaus 1604 669

Beef tongue in Madeira sauce

N rundstong in madeirasaus 1595 669

Noodles Royal

N noedels royal 2749 669

Mashed potatoes

N aardappelpuree 1572 669

Baked patatoes

N bakpatatjes 1576 669




N lasagne 2760 669

Bolognese sauce

N bolognaise saus 2720 669

Quiche mediterranean

Quiche provencale

Quiche mediterranean

Quiche lorraine

Quiche mediterranean

N producten 1341 669